A helping hand is good,
but an open mind is better.
Let's open our minds and hearts to the many ways of building our Singapore together - through your passions, your ideas, and action.
- Pick your passion
- Enjoying Food Explore Enjoying Food
- Helping the Community Explore Helping the Community
- Staying Well and Healthy Explore Staying Well and Healthy
- Supporting Creativity Explore Supporting Creativity
- Engaging in Conversations Explore Engaging in Conversations
- Learning and Growing Explore Learning and Growing
- Supporting the Economy Explore Supporting the Economy
- Geeking Over Gadgets Explore Geeking Over Gadgets
- Loving Nature Explore Loving Nature
- Caring for Animals Explore Caring for Animals
A helping hand is good,
but an open mind is better.
Share your passions on a bigger stage
Inspire others with your ideas
Find a tribe of like-minded people
Kickstart events that grow into movements