Home and Living Environment
To transform our living environment, and to build a more liveable home for all who stake their futures here.Everyone can contribute to building the Singapore we want to live in, by sharing and using our limited resources carefully, so there will be enough for current and future generations. We aim to enhance and transform our living environment, and to build more inclusive and liveable homes for all.
The Build Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
• Give all Singaporeans more opportunities to lead enriching lives by planning for a greener and smarter living environment, and more live-work-play options closer to home
• Assure Singaporeans of access to affordable public transport and housing, with more support for seniors and vulnerable groups
• Establish more partnerships with local stakeholders to build more vibrant, inclusive and liveable environments
The choices we make today will shape our home tomorrow. We want to hear Singaporeans’ views and aspirations, and what we are willing to contribute as a society, to build a liveable, endearing home for all.
Pillar leads: