Forward Singapore (Unite Pillar): Building and maintaining a cohesive, inclusive and united Singapore
Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Mr Edwin Tong launched public engagements for the Forward Singapore Unite pillar at the Our Singapore Leadership Programme (OSLP) on 1 October 2022. In his speech at the event, Minister Edwin Tong stressed the importance of building and maintaining a cohesive, inclusive and united Singapore in his speech, especially against the backdrop of increasingly diverse views and experiences amongst Singapore’s younger population.
Discussions amongst youth leaders about tackling important national issues at the event. Credit: MCI / Dingwei Tan
At the event, 47 young leaders from the community, public and private sectors came together to air their concerns and views about Singapore’s unique challenges, constraints and vulnerabilities and exchange suggestions about how to address certain social issues such as supporting vulnerable groups and nurturing a more inclusive Singapore. During the dialogue session, Minister Edwin Tong encouraged youth leaders from the various sectors to continue to work closely with each other to build a cohesive Singapore that is united and strong to face the challenges ahead.
A youth leader posing a question to Minister Edwin Tong during the dialogue session at the event. Credit: MCI / Dingwei Tan
Three key areas of focus to build and maintain a cohesive, inclusive and united Singapore under the Unite Pillar
Launched earlier in June 2022, the Forward Singapore exercise seeks to refresh Singapore’s social compact across six thematic pillars - Empower, Equip, Care, Build, Steward and Unite.
The Unite pillar focuses on growing our sense of belonging to Singapore, our commitment to citizenship and our sense of mutual responsibility towards each other.
The Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth will be engaging stakeholders on the following three key aspects:
a. Belong: Building a strong sense of belonging to Singapore and identify with each other as fellow Singaporeans
b. Bond: Maintaining strong and close bonds with each other, and relate to each other with mutual trust, regardless of race, language, or religion
c. Build: Working together to build a better society for each other, and act to help one another, especially those in need.
Minister Edwin Tong speaking to youth leaders at the event. Credit: MCI / Dingwei Tan
Share your thoughts on how to build and maintain a cohesive, inclusive and united Singapore.
Want to be part of the discussion? Consider these questions:
1. How can we nurture a stronger sense of belonging to Singapore?
2. How do we maintain close bonds with each other in our diverse communities?
3. How can we work together to build a better society for each other?
To participate in other physical pop-up exhibitions and digital engagements, go here!
For more information on the other pillars under the Forward Singapore exercise, click here.
Opportunities to participate
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