Forward Singapore (Unite Pillar): Exploring What It Means To Be "One United People"
Through a series of interactive stations, members of the public were invited to reflect, discuss, and think about what a United Singapore would look like.
A family of Singaporeans redeeming their prize at the gachapon (Credit: MCI / Aik Beng Chia)
Visitors participated in tasks at the different booths that allowed them to share their unique Singaporean experiences with other visitors.
Many visitors expressed that they enjoyed the roadshow because the hands-on experience allowed their families to collectively reflect on what it means to live in a United Singapore in a fun and immersive manner. Others were glad that they had the chance to meet other Singaporeans and make new friends of different backgrounds through the roadshow.
A mother and her children at the UNiTEA Vending Machine, where Singaporeans can enjoy dispensed drinks when they share their unique Singaporean experiences (Credit: MCI / Aik Beng Chia)
Exploring Our Singaporean Pride
When asked what made them proud to be Singaporeans, visitors cited our distinct culture (i.e. Singlish, our diverse array of local delicacies, shared formative experiences), world-class infrastructure and our reputation as a safe, prosperous and hardworking nation as top reasons.
For many, this Singaporean pride has imbued in them a strong sense of belonging to Singapore, driving them to find ways to contribute to Singapore’s future.
Visitors also expressed our unique blend of multiculturalism and exceptional social harmony as strong driving forces of our national unity. They highlighted that they are fortunate to live in a society, where people of different races, languages and religions can not only co-exist peacefully but also celebrate with one another.
At the same time, many acknowledged that we must continue to strengthen our bonds with one another by actively learning about the cultures of our fellow citizens.
Building Tomorrow's Singapore
A mother and her daughters with their instant portrait from the Portraits of Unity station, where participants are invited to take a pledge to be one united people by having their photo taken at the photo booth. They can also look our for their photos on a virtual mosaic beside the booth. (Credit: MCI / Aik Beng Chia)
Beyond articulating what made them proud and happy as Singaporeans, visitors were invited to talk about their aspirations for Singapore. Many pointed out that stereotypes, stigma and preconceived biases around issues like age, gender and race can sow seeds of division, magnify misunderstandings and thus, undermine our unity as one nation. As such, they shared their hope of contributing towards a more empathetic and inclusive Singapore.
The As One United People roadshow is coming to a place near you! Follow @mccysg’s social platforms for updates on upcoming roadshows, or find out more here. In the meantime, participate in our As One United People survey here and share with us what being Singaporean means to you and how we can continue strengthening our national unity.
Opportunities to participate
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