Forward Singapore (Steward Pillar): Taking Green Action for Our Communities
Senior Minister of State (SMS) for Sustainability and the Environment, Dr. Koh Poh Koon, along with Minister for Social and Family Development, Masagos Zulkifli, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Sustainability and the Environment, Baey Yam Keng, and Adviser for Tampines East GROs, Cheng Li Hui, sat down with over 50 grassroots leaders and sustainability advocates at the Green Action for Communities (GAC) Tampines GRC Deep Dive on 11 March 2023.
The GAC aims to encourage residents to implement sustainability initiatives in their neighbourhoods. Such deep dives serve as a platform for citizens to share ideas and learn from one another, which would improve resident-led sustainability efforts in their communities.
Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment, Dr. Koh Poh Koon, giving his opening remarks at the Green Action for Communities Tampines GRC Deep Dive. Credit: MCI / Kevin
In his opening remarks, SMS Koh outlined how important citizen-driven initiatives were in achieving Singapore’s vision of being a city of green possibilities. He stressed that individual green actions such as recycling, reducing consumption of single-use plastics, and water conservation will help Singapore achieve its long-term net zero emissions aspirations by 2050.
SMS Koh also highlighted how success in green initiatives could scale and compound nationwide. Successful pilots such as a thriving community farm or a well-run communal composting site could be replicated across several neighbourhoods. Over time, such ground-up initiatives could translate into a whole-of-Singapore effort.
Participants sharing their experiences and suggestions for green action initiatives. Credit: MCI / Kevin
After an hour of discussions, participants shared their aspirations, challenges and solutions for a greener Singapore. They hoped Singaporeans would be proactive in adopting green habits so that sustainability can become an important part of our national identity.
However, they were cognisant of the challenges ahead. Fellow citizens may be apathetic about sustainability, as such issues may be perceived as being less important than bread-and-butter issues like job security and social mobility. Some may not even be aware of the importance of going green, and the impact of their actions on our environment.
Nonetheless, members of the GAC remained optimistic. They shared creative ways how the Government can partner with fellow citizens to adopt green habits. For example, initiating a community composting programme where residents could bring food scraps to a public compost and turn waste into fertilisers, and a ‘tree-adoption’ programme where residents could adopt and care for their family tree.
Ready To Do Your Part For A Greener Singapore?
Make your Green Nation pledge at go.gov.sg/greennationpledge today and find out how you can play a part in refreshing our social compact here: https://www.forwardsingapore.gov.sg!
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