EMPOWER - Economy and Jobs
To empower every Singaporean to have lifelong employability in a more competitive economy amidst an uncertain world.
To deliver such opportunities and assurances, the Empower Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
• Strengthen our local businesses to create good jobs and opportunities for Singaporeans
• Groom local talents to seize leadership opportunities
• Support multiple pathways of career progress and give Singaporeans the ability to take charge of their career health
• Support our people to remain resilient and adaptable, and help them bounce back from setbacks
• Provide peace of mind in retirement for all, with greater support for the vulnerable
All of us have a part to play in shaping the economy and society we want to see: A society where every profession is valued, and every worker accorded dignity and respect. A society where Government, unions, and employers come together to maximise our people’s potential.
Pillar leads:
EQUIP - Education and Lifelong Learning
To equip every Singaporean with the opportunity to thrive, grow and realise their aspirations, regardless of their starting point in life.
Singapore’s prosperity and growth should continue to remain inclusive and benefit all Singaporeans. To ensure this, we need to focus on equipping everyone with a strong foundation and learning disposition to tap on opportunities to thrive, grow and realise their aspirations.
The Equip Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
• Build a strong foundation of sound values and a supportive family environment for every child
• Provide diverse learning models to nurture students of diverse abilities
• Offer multiple pathways to success by catering to learners’ strengths and interests
• Care for students with special educational needs and build a more inclusive society
• Embrace continuous and lifelong learning beyond school years for everyone
This will create a society where we, as Singaporeans, can forge our own paths while supporting and uplifting those around us. This will enable us to continue to progress as a community, and to live with fulfilment and dignity.
Pillar leads:
CARE - Health and Social Support
To enable every Singaporean to lead a dignified and fulfilling life, and to better care for themselves and for others around them.
Our population is ageing rapidly and birth rates remain low. These demographic changes place growing demands on our healthcare system and caregivers. At the same time, some lower-income families face complex and interrelated challenges. We need to continually understand the needs of our society, and provide greater assurance in healthcare, family well-being and social assistance. We must work together for a better tomorrow.
The Care Pillar will explore how we as a society can empower families and individuals, by focusing on the following shifts:
• From healthcare provision to population health – a society where Singaporeans are empowered to live longer and healthier, and age with confidence
• From support measures for parenthood to a supportive environment for strong families – a resilient society that values family well-being, supports caregiving and gives every child a good start
• From social assistance to social empowerment – many helping hands working together to uplift families and individuals in need, and to provide opportunities for all to progress in life
All of us must do our part. Let us build a stronger society, and forge a more inclusive and caring Singapore - a Singapore where we nurture and build lives together.
Pillar leads:
BUILD - Home and Living Environment
To transform our living environment, and to build a more liveable home for all who stake their futures here.
Everyone can contribute to building the Singapore we want to live in, by sharing and using our limited resources carefully, so there will be enough for current and future generations. We aim to enhance and transform our living environment, and to build more inclusive and liveable homes for all.
The Build Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
• Give all Singaporeans more opportunities to lead enriching lives by planning for a greener and smarter living environment, and more live-work-play options closer to home
• Assure Singaporeans of access to affordable public transport and housing, with more support for seniors and vulnerable groups
• Establish more partnerships with local stakeholders to build more vibrant, inclusive and liveable environments
The choices we make today will shape our home tomorrow. We want to hear Singaporeans’ views and aspirations, and what we are willing to contribute as a society, to build a liveable, endearing home for all.
Pillar leads:
STEWARD - Environmental and Fiscal Sustainability
To foster a more sustainable way of life that stewards our resources responsibly for future generations.
Amidst the evolving global landscape and climate challenges, how we manage our shared environmental and fiscal resources will determine the success and the future of our nation.
The Steward Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
• Balance the cost of climate change across generations
• Tackle fiscal constraints and balance the potential trade-offs
• Play our roles as stewards of our shared resources
All of us can do our part to foster a more sustainable way of life that steward our resources responsibly for future generations.
Pillar leads:
UNITE - Singapore Identity
To grow our sense of belonging to Singapore, our commitment to citizenship and our sense of mutual responsibility towards each other.
In an uncertain and divisive geopolitical climate, solidarity, mutual responsibility and trust as one united people will be key to our survival and prosperity. The goal of the Unite Pillar is anchored in our National Pledge, where we pledge ourselves as one united people.
The Unite Pillar will explore how we, as a society, may:
a) Deepen our sense of belonging to Singapore, and identify with each other as fellow citizens of Singapore;
b) Strengthen our bonds with each other, and relate to each other with mutual trust, regardless of race, language, or religion;
c) Build a better society for each other, and act to help one another, especially those in need, and thus make our society a place where everyone can live fulfilling lives – based on justice and equality.
Let’s all play our role to build a better home – where we feel a strong sense of belonging, where we come together in solidarity, and where we work to build a society that is more cohesive, inclusive and united, together.
Pillar leads: